Sustainable transport programs
The streets in Kampala face a number of challenges, including being small in size, heavy pedestrian and traffic congestion especially in the Central Business District, traffic accidents, rapid urbanization and motorization, various informal vendors who do business on the streets and lack of safe and well-designed Non
Motorized Transport (NMT) facilities among others.

Open public spaces
​Our focus under the public spaces program is the provision of universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible, green spaces in particular for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities. At APS® our program works with communities to increase awareness about the importance of quality public spaces, engage with a number of civil society organizations in advocating for quality open spaces. We also have a strong focus on policies that protect, preserve existing and encourage new quality public spaces.

Fresh food markets improvement projects
APS has special interest in urban markets as an important component of urban life. This is the reason we have conducted a full assessment of all markets in Kampala. Local public markets have played an important role in communities for centuries and are a key public space. For instance, Markets in Kampala serve the community in numerous ways, including acting as a main trading center where people can earn a living, creating social spaces in neighborhoods for locals to meet and interact with one another, and linking rural and urban communities.
Get to Know Us
Advocates for Public Spaces (APS®) is a Ugandan registered non-profit making company limited by guarantee. It is a voluntary association working to
promote and protect the availability and quality of
public spaces in urban areas. Our objective is to
increase access to safe, inclusive and accessible, green
and public spaces, fresh food markets, urban fresh air,
and non-motorized active transportation. To achieve
this objective, APS® works with urban communities,
local and national governments and international stakeholders. Public spaces are those spaces that are
open, accessible and enjoyable by all for free and
without a profit motive. Public spaces include streets,
local public markets, parks, public squares and beaches. UN-Habitat considers public spaces as “a vital
ingredient of successful cities” and are the places in the city that build a sense of community, culture, social
capital, and community revitalization. However, in many cities, public spaces are not seen as a basic service and
as a result are often chaotic, poorly planned and maintained, if they exist at all. This is especially the case
for informal settlements and slums, where a large percentage of the population resides.

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